THE GUILLOTINES (2012) chinese movie


  • Movie: The Guillotines
  • Chinese: 血滴子 / Xuè Dī Zǐ
  • Director: Andrew Lau
  • Writer: Jojo Hui/Joyce Chan/Aubrey Lam/Philip Lui/Guo Junli/Chit Ka-kei
  • Release Date: Dec. 20, 2012
  • Runtime: 112 min.
  • Genre: Action / Drama / Martial arts
  • Country: Hong Kong

The Guillotines are the Emperor’s crack hit squad. They each wield a terrifying weapon – a spinning airborne circle of blades that lands around your neck then cuts off your head, and with terrifying speed. But the squad are in for a pack of trouble. Their assigned target is a cult leader with fantastic powers, including the ability to disarm a guillotine. So the Emperor assigns his top man to accompany the squad, apparently with no more aim than to capture the cult leader. The Emperor’s man has another agenda and disharmony ensues. Also, the cult leader proves to be a more complex character and starts to win over some of the group.

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2 thoughts on “THE GUILLOTINES (2012) chinese movie

  1. Cand l-am vazut pe Huang Xiaoming in rolul Lupului, pastorind turma de amarati fugiti in cautarea libertati si a unei vieti mai bune mi-am spus, ups, au avut si chinezii Iisus al lor.
    nu cred sa mai existe vreo cinematografie care sa exceleze in efectele si redarea scenelor de lupta precum cea chineza. iar povestile lor, pline de talc sunt intotdeauna uimitoare.
    multumesc frumos, draga Lili

  2. Merci Lily pentru un film interesant.
    La inceput am zis,gata nu are rost sa vad filmu’ asta iar se exagereaza,dar pana la urma am rezista pana la sfarsit si a meritat.pacat de munca depusa la efectele speciale de la inceput,nu-si aveau rostul.
    Interesanta povestea,iar daca a fost o parte a istoriei nescrise a Chinei si mai bine,pt ca am invatat inca odata cat de diversificate au fost sub unitatile de asasinare imperiale.
    P:S. Daca ai gasi si niste filme japoneze sau coreene care sa aiba legatura cu istoria scrisa sau ne scrisa a acestor tari asi fi tare bucuros sa mai “devorez” din intoria lor.
    Incaodata iti multumesc pentru munca pe care ai depuso acestui film!

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