Tag Archives: Ha Ji Won

BA:BO (2008) korean movie


  • Movie: Miracle of a Giving Fool / BA:BO
  • Revised Romanization: Babo
  • Hangul: 바보
  • Director: Kim Jeong-Kwon
  • Writer: Pool Kang, Kim Young-Tak
  • Producer: Young Kim, Hae-hyuk Yoo
  • Released: February 28, 2008
  • Runtime: 108 min.
  • Genre: Drama
  • Country: South Korea

Ji-ho e o pianista promitatoare care a studiat si cantat in strainatate multi ani, dar cariera ei primeste o lovitura atunci cand incepe sa sufere de trac. Intoarsa acasa, Ji-ho se reintalneste cu vechiul ei coleg de scoala, Seung-ryong, care, desi acum e trecut de 20 de ani, a ramas cu mintea unui copil de 6 ani in urma unui accident.
Singura ruda a lui Seung-ryong este sora lui mai mica, Jee-in, iar el are grija de ea vanzand paine prajita in fata scolii unde invata fata, in ciuda faptului ca ea se simte jenata de acest lucru. Jee-in se imbolnaveste mai tarziu iar amicul lui Seung-ryong, Sang-soo, are probleme cu niste gangsteri. Cu toti prietenii si rudele lui avand probleme, Seung-ryong devine un salvator nesperat.


DUELIST (2005) korean movie


  • Movie: Duelist
  • Revised romanization: Hyeongsa
  • Hangul: 형사
  • Director: Lee Myung-Se
  • Writer: Lee Hae-Jyung, Lee Myung-Se
  • Release Date: September 8, 2005
  • Runtime: 111 min.
  • Genre: Action
  • Country: South Korea

Once upon a time in Korea, the Minister of Defense, SONG Pil-joon, gets rid of his political opponents and assumes complete control of the armed forces. Also Song goes on to stamp counterfeit money. Detective Nam-soon goes forthrightly undercover with her partner Detective Ahn to investigate the counterfeit money. She discovers that one loyal henchman, Sad Eyes, a beautiful swordsman with a pale, blank face, is covering up Minister Song’s tracks. Nam-soon and Sad Eyes confront each other in a series of duels – tirelessly chasing, being pursued and dodging each other. Inevitably, they fall in love. Each struggles to reconcile the desperate conflict between love and obligation to duty, as they square off to meet their fate in one last duel.


CLOSER TO HEAVEN (2009) korean movie


  • Movie: Closer to Heaven
  • Revised romanization: Nae Sarang Nae Gyeote
  • Hangul: 내 사랑 내 곁에
  • Director: Park Jin-Pyo
  • Writer: Park Jin-Pyo, Guk Dong-Suk
  • Producer: Lee Eugene, Lee Tae-Hun
  • Release Date: September 24, 2009
  • Runtime: 121 min.
  • Genre: Romance / Illness
  • Country: South Korea

“Closer to Heaven” spune povestea de dragoste dintre Jong-Woo (Kim Myung-Min) si Ji-Soo (Ha Ji-Won). Desi Jong-Woo sufera de scleroza laterala amiotrofica (Boala Lou Gehrig), el este o persoana optimista si voioasa. Ji-Soo lucreaza ca si coordonator la o casa funerara. Fiind obisnuita sa aiba de-a face zilnic cu mortea, ea nu se lasa speriata sau descurajata de boala lui Jong-woo si cei doi se indragostesc.

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